Parth Kamshastra Male Enhancement Penis Enlargement Oil
The oil is especially for men. It is helpful in giving male sexual pleasure and is helpful in staying long during sexual acts. The oil are also made from natural herbs and thus there intake does not harm the body. It is one of the best ways to improve the sexual life of the individuals. It enhances the sexual pleasure among the males. The tail must be applied on the outer part of penis.
Benefits and Advantages of the Kamshastra Penis Enlargement Oil:
There are a lot of beneficial aspects of the tail. The tail has many advantages in the aspect of life. Some of the important
advantages and benefits are listed bellow
The tail is made from natural herbs so therefore there is no chance of side effects.
The tail is helpful in arousing the sexual desires in males.
The tail is helpful in stoping premature ejection.
It is a good alternative for stimulating the libido and increasing the vigor.
It improves the sexual strength in male.
It provides male sexual pleasure.
it is also helpful in harder erections.
It enhances the pleasure at the time of sexual act.
It helps to fight the stress and tension which male face during the sexual act.
The main composition of the Oil is:
Each 15ml Parth Kamashastra Oil contains
Akarkara (Anacyclus pyrethrum) – 125mg
Malkangini (Celastrus paniculatus) – 50mg
Malla – 10mg
Harttal – 50mg
Saffron (Crocus sativus) – 11.5mg
Clove (Synzgium aromaticium) – 50mg
Olive Oil and Sesame Oil – q.s
How To Use of Kamshastra Penis Enlargement Oil ?
The Parth Kamashastra Tail comes in the bottle 15ml. The product is available globally. It is advised to apply it on the outer skin of pen*s and it should not be applied on the cuts. For the proper and effective results, this tail must be applied few minuted before the sexual act and one should use at least 3 to 4 bottles for better results. The oil is effective in providing sexual pleasure.
Side Effects:
Parth Kamashastra Oil is NOT known to have ANY SIDE EFFECTS.
You will get:
1 x Parth Kamashastra Oil (15 ml)

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